A02B-0168-B011 Power Mate E
FANUC parts >> A02B-0168-B011 Power Mate E
Part Name: Power Mate E
Part Number: A02B-0168-B011
Exchange Price
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Repair Price

FANUC A02B-0168-B011 Power Mate E Repair & Parts Exchange
Free Phone Support
Tri Star CNC provides free phone support for parts like the A02B-0168-B011 Power Mate E. We walk you through the steps of repairing your machine at no cost to you. If your parts require work from a technician, we'll help you through the process of send-in or on-site repairs. Call us today for free phone support for your CNC machine.
FANUC CNC Power Supply Repair Services
Every part that enters our shop is thoroughly inspected and cleaned. To get started, fill out an RMA form and send it along with a contact form. We keep spare parts that are ready for exchange so you can keep your operations running while you wait for your repaired part to return.
We also repair other FANUC parts. View our full list of services:
FANUC CNC Replacement Services
When your Power Mate E is broken beyond repair, Tri Star can provide you with a replacement. We carry a large stock of spare parts exactly for this moment and are waiting for your call. Contact us today to get a quote and learn more!
FANUC CNC Power Supply Alarm Codes
We have an extensive list of alarm codes to help you diagnose any problems you encounter with your FANUC CNC machine. Our list of power supply alarm codes should give you a good starting point for resolving your issue, whether you manage to fix it yourself or send it in for repairs.
We provide alarm codes for other FANUC parts. View our full list of alarm codes:
Field Service
Our send-in repair services are available to anyone within the U.S. For on-site repairs, refer to our field service map to see which states can receive on-site maintenance.
Alarm Code | Message | Description |
PSM-5.5 to PSM-11 |
The main circuit power module (IPM) has detected an overload, overcurrent, or control supply voltage decrease, overcurrent, or control supply voltage decrease. Internal cooling circuit failure, Overload, Input supply voltage imbalance, IPM failure, or control supply voltage decrease of the power module. |
PSM-15 to PSM-55 |
Overcurrent flowed into the input of the main circuit. Input supply voltage imbalance, IGBT defective. |
N/A |
Internal cooling circuit faulty. |
N/A |
The temperature of the heat sink has risen. |
N/A |
DC voltage (DC link) has dropped |
N/A |
The input power supply is abnormal (open phase) or the main circuit capacitor was not recharged within the specified time. |
N/A |
The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). |
N/A |
The DC link voltage is abnormally high. |
N/A |
The offset of the current detection circuit of the main circuit DC link is excessive. |
The regenerative discharge unit is heated. |
N/A |
The main circuit power supply has an open phase. |
N/A |
The DC link voltage is abnormally high. |
N/A |
An error occurred in internal parameter data transfer processing. |
N/A |
The frequency of the main circuit input power supply is abnormal. |
N/A |
The input power supply of the main circuit has an imbalance. |
N/A |
When the magnetic contactor is turned on, the phase sequence of the power supply cannot be determined. |
N/A |
Internal cooling circuit faulty. |
N/A |
ROM is faulty. |
N/A |
RAM is faulty |
N/A |
A program is not operating normally. |
N/A |
The input power supply is abnormal (open phase). |
N/A |
The temperature of the regenerative resistor has arisen abnormally |
Parts & Repair Warranty Information
Exchange parts and repaired parts include a 1-year warranty. Tri Star CNC, LLC warrants the COMPLETE ASSEMBLY REPAIR – not just the parts and labor.